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Don't worry about what other people think

Michael Gervais is a high-performance psychologist famous for coaching many of our top business people and elite athletes. In his latest book he focuses on the importance of not worrying about what other people think. Indeed, worrying about other people think of us and seeking their approval is a big concern for most people, and it can limit you from manifesting your dream life and maximizing your true potential.

if you want to pick ut the book, you can find it here:

These are some benefits that could be achieved:

Authenticity: When we aren't preoccupied with seeking approval or acceptance from others, we can be more true to ourselves. This allows us to live authentically, express our opinions, and engage in behaviors that align with our values, without constantly trying to fit into societal expectations.

Greater self-confidence: By detaching from others' opinions, we become more self-assured. We develop confidence in our abilities, beliefs, and decisions, irrespective of whether others agree or not. This self-assurance helps us take risks, overcome challenges, and expand our comfort zones.

Reduced anxiety and stress: Constantly worrying about others' opinions can cause anxiety and stress. However, when individuals learn to let go of this concern, they experience a sense of liberation. They are more focused on their own growth, goals, and challenges, leading to reduced stress levels and a greater sense of peace.

Improved decision-making: When we prioritize our own values and beliefs rather than seeking validation from others, our decision-making becomes clearer. We can make choices that align with our long-term goals and aspirations, rather than being swayed by external pressures.

Enhanced relationships: Paradoxically, by not obsessing over what others think, we often form deeper and more meaningful connections. When individuals can truly be themselves without fear of judgment, they attract people who appreciate and support them for who they are, fostering stronger and more authentic relationships.

Enhanced personal growth: By focusing on our own development, rather than seeking external validation, we have the freedom to explore our potential fully. This mindset allows us to embrace challenges, learn from failures, and continuously grow as individuals.


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